GIZ – Youth employment

A new project was awarded by GIZ to Sense which aimed to identify business models that are profitable and provide meaningful, well-paying jobs for rural youth and women in large numbers. The project also aimed to identify the kinds of skills necessary to work in these businesses or to manage them, so that formal education…

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World Bank – Diversification for dried mango export plants

The Challenge: diversification for dried mango export plants The Sense consultants have been very active in the development of the mango processing sectors in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Ivory Coast since 2009. It started with a study commissioned by the World Bank to understand why exports had collapsed from 400 tons to 150 tons of…

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IFC – Evaluation of local dairy development in Nigeria

Nigeria is a large importer of dairy products, in particular milk powder. It is a well-known reality that it is almost impossible to compete on price in Africa with milk powder imported from countries that have climates favourable to dairy, such as most of North Western Europe. The Central Bank of Nigeria is now making…

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DeSIRA CSARIDE – Eritrean Dairy Project

Climate Smart Agriculture Research and Innovation Support for Dairy Value Chains in Eritrea – CSARIDE Introduction The once thriving Eritrean Dairy sector has been in decline since 2000 due to ongoing regional conflict, economic isolation and desertification related to climate change. Milk volumes have dropped by 80% since 2000 with a severe impact on farmers,…

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Bord Bia – Ukraine Pig & Beef Market Study

Project Background The overall goal of the project was to understand the pigmeat and beef market in Ukraine and assess what the opportunities are for Irish exporters in the future. In addition, the goal was to understand how Irish exporters can access this market Ukraine is an attractive market of 40 million people close to…

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GIZ – Access to Finance for Farmers, Zambia

The Challenge: Access to Finance for Farmers Like elsewhere in Africa, Zambian farmers are in need of finance in order to modernize agriculture. Funds to access improved seed, fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides, irrigation equipment and mechanization services. However, most banks and micro-finance are not yet geared up to finance farmers, while others have taken heavy…

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Mango Supply Chain Strategy – Senegal

Mango production Mango pulp and juice Supply chain development Agro-processing The Challenge: How to source more mango for a juice & pulping plant in Senegal Agrofruits is a new mango pulping factory, owned by Kiren, a Senegalese company bottling a range of drinks under the CocaCola license as well as its own brands. The mango…

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Developing the Mango Processing Industry – West Africa

Produce: Mango Location: Mali, Burkina Faso Agri processing, Market Research The Challenge: How to develop the mango processing industry in West Africa Mali and Burkina Faso are full of delicious mangoes, which cannot be exported fresh. Processing is thus a logical step to create employment in some of the world’s poorest countries. Over the past…

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Selecting value chains for a new economic development program – Mali

Client: Embassy of the Netherlands in Mali/Ministry of foreign affairs of the Netherlands Location: Mali Goal: Value Chain Analysis Produce: Onion & Shallots, Livestock & Feed Introduction The embassy of the Netherlands in Mali has a long track record of funding and managing development programs in Mali. For a new long term economic development program…

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Value Chain Analysis training – Mozambique

Client: School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Eduardo Mondlane University Introduction The School for Business and Entrepreneurship (ESNEC) is a new faculty of the largest and oldest University in Mozambique. Eduardo Mondlane University. Their mission is to provide a university education with practical experience that educates students according to the needs of the labour market. This…

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