Burkina Faso
GIZ – Youth employment
A new project was awarded by GIZ to Sense which aimed to identify business models that are profitable and provide meaningful, well-paying jobs for rural youth and women in large numbers. The project also aimed to identify the kinds of skills necessary to work in these businesses or to manage them, so that formal education…
Read MoreWorld Bank – Diversification for dried mango export plants
The Challenge: diversification for dried mango export plants The Sense consultants have been very active in the development of the mango processing sectors in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Ivory Coast since 2009. It started with a study commissioned by the World Bank to understand why exports had collapsed from 400 tons to 150 tons of…
Read MoreInvestment facilitation – Burkina Faso
Clients: USAID & SSG Advisors About one-third of infants in Burkina Faso suffer from malnutrition. The main causes are poverty and a lack of affordable high-quality baby foods, such as baby cereal fortified with vitamins and minerals. On the one hand, quality imported products are unaffordable to most parents and only available in cities. On…
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